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The Outputs

Final evaluation of the Project

IT - We carried out the final evaluation of the project as scheduled. Our evaluation was a three-step process:

  1. Evaluation by the students

  2. Evaluation by the teachers

  3. Evaluation by the Headmaster.

Here are the enclosures containing Google Drive spreadsheets:

Enclosure 1 for  students

Enclosure 2 for teachers


Outputs in Business and Entrepreneurship

Here are the outputs the Bulgarian students have made following their syllabus and the project guidelines:


1. SWOT Analysis:
2. Empathy Map:
3. Value Proposition Canvas:
4. Business Model Canvas & Virtual Web-based Student Company:
5. Lean Canvas:

An EASY Platform

This platform contains free educational modules addressed to young people, youth workers, teachers of vocational schools, professors from universities in entrepreneurship. Following our path, one is able to deal with entrepreneurship from some very basic skills:

1. language and entrepreneurship

2. critical thinking and problem solving

3. entrepreneurial skills

4. non-formal learning

5. ICT and communication

6. entrepreneurial skills and ICT

4th Edition of the Easy Journal

4th Edition of the Easy Journal - Testimonies from the 5th LTTA, in Karvina, Czech Republic.

An EASY Diary

Here is the Diary of the project.

Questionnaires on the companies

During each Learning Teaching Training Activity of our Erasmus+ “EASY” project, 50 students visited at least three meaningful innovative companies, got in touch with the world of work and saw production lines. They visited business incubators and spoke to entrepreneurs. They found out that a good idea is the core of a successful business company.
Indeed, that was the best part of the journey: not only had they the chance to see different countries and people, but they met real entrepreneurs, asked them questions, wrote down their answers and, after thinking them over, asked new questions.
After visiting the companies they filled in online questionnaires that tell us a lot about their experience. Here you can find the results of these surveys.

Survey on Young People's Needs

The project team made a questionnaire on young people's needs during and after school. Then they had at least 50 youth fill it in, they processed the data and wrote a final report.


Young Entrepreneurs' Challenges

Here is the Report on the challenges in the field of youth entrepreneurship.


The Italian students' video on the last LTTA

IT - Here is the video the Italian students made on the Latvian LTTA. They will be using it for dissemination purposes during the final exhibition at school at the end of May.

Czech students' video on the Latvian Learning Teaching Training Activity

CZ - The students have made this video on their experience in Latvia. It's great for disseminating and showing what an Erasmus+ experience may be about.

The Bulgarian students disseminate

BG - Video on the Latvian LTT Activity.

The Material on the Latvian LTTA

LV - Here you find all videos on the Latvian mobility: from the single workshops to the summary of the whole week. A stunning experience for us all!

The Czech students' task for the Latvian mobility

CZ - This is the video we made for the Latvian LTTA.

The Turkish team's presentations for the Latvian LTTA

TR - Here are the presentations the Turkish students made for the Latvian mobility.

Italian students' video for the Latvian LTT Activity

IT - Here is the video the Italian students made as a task for the Latvian Learning Teaching Training Activity. Good job!

Video for the Latvian mobility

BG - Students' video on digital skills and entrepreneurship for the international meeting in Latvia.

TR - Presentation for LTTA no.5 in the Czech Republic

TR - Here is the presentation on ICT and school that the Turkish team made for the Czech mobility.

PT - Presentations for LTTA no.5 in the Czech Republic


PT - 1st Portuguese Presentation for the 5th TLTA, Karviná, Czech Republic - 29th November - 5th December 2015


ICT and Communication at School:

The Portuguese students prepared a presentation using Prezi to describe when they mostly use ICT during schooling and its importance for their formal education. The presentation has some photos of the equipment they have available at school and the students also explain the tasks they usually have to complete using it and the experience they get when they use ICT.


PT - 2nd Portuguese Presentation for the 5th TLTA, Karviná, Czech Republic - 29th November - 5th December 2015


ICT and Communication in Business:

The Portuguese students visited a company in Alentejo, Herdade dos Grous, a rural tourism facility and a wine producer, to find out the importance of the ICT and other machinery to the management and success of the business. Then they prepared a 2nd presentation using Prezi to describe the company, the products and services they offer and to understand how important the ICT skills are to successfully manage a business in the tourism and wine production fields

PT - Presentations for LTTA no.4 in Italy

PT - 1st Portuguese Presentation for the 4th LTTA, Ravenna, Italy - 27th September - 3rd October 2015

Non Formal Experience:

Video about a Portuguese student's non formal experience. During this video Marco Cavaco describes the company where he had his non formal experience last summer. He also talks about his tasks, the skills he acquired and the reasons why he decided to have that experience during his summer holidays.


PT - 2nd Portuguese Presentation for the 4th LTTA, Ravenna, Italy - 27th September - 3rd October 2015

 Interview to an Entrepreneur about the importance of Non Formal Learning:

Video of an interview to the owner of Herba Terra, a company that produces, packages and sells aromatic herbs in Alentejo - Portugal. During the interview the owner describes the company, its products and she also explains how and why her company was founded. During the interview special attention is given to the importance of non formal and informal learning to create a new business.

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3rd Edition of the Easy Journal

3rd Edition of the Easy Journal - Testimonies from the 4th TLTA, in Ravenna, Italy.

2nd Edition of the Easy Journal

2nd Edition of the Easy Journal - Testimonies from the 3rd TLTA, in Vidigueira, Portugal, and an Intermediate Evaluation by the Coordinator of the Project, Cristina Casagrande.


The Italian students disseminte

IT - The Italian students made a video on the Czech mobility. They will be showing it to their friends at the school's Christmas party on Wednesday 23rd. It was a great experience and they want everybody to know!

Video on the Czech LTTA

CZ - Here is the Czech students' video on the LTTA we arranged in Karvina.

Italian presentation for the Czech LTTA

Here is the presentation the Italian team prepared on ICT and Communication. The last slide contains the interview.

Presentation for the Czech mobility

CZ - Students' presentation on ICT AND COMMUNICATION for the international meeting in the Czech Republic.

[BG] Presentations of Czech Republic visit

Hello everyone,


Below you can find our presentations from the Czech Republic visit.



Best regards from the Bulgarian team !


Presentation and video of the Italian LTTA

IT - Here is the presentation on the beautiful EASY week we spent together back in September-October. The last slide contains a video. Have fun!

Video of the Italian LTTA

CZ - Here is the video the Czech team made of the week we spent in Italy.

Reportage/Corporate Storytelling Contest

During the Italian LTTA all students took part in a Reportage/Corporate Storytelling workshop. At the end of it the journalist launched a contest: each country had to write a reportage on one of the companies they had visited during the Italian mobility. The best ones - one for each company, would be published both in English and in Italian in a local newspaper.

The winners were:

Passion for Work - Italy on Iemca

The Artist is Present - Portugal on Curti

You are Sweet Enough - Turkey on Natura Nuova.



Presentations for the Italian mobility

CZ - Students' presentations on NON-FORMAL LEARNING for the international meeting in Italy:

PPT and video of the interview.

Italian presentations for the 4th LTTA

IT - Here are the presentations the Italian students made for the Erasmus+ meeting and work in Italy. In the first one the students talk about the non formal experiences they have had, while the second - an interview - focuses on a local  entrepreneur's formal and non-fomal learning experiences and how they have contributed to her success.

Turkish presentation for the Italian mobility

TR - Here is the presentation on Non-formal Learning which we prepared for the 4th mobility.


Czech video on the Portuguese mobility

CZ - Here is the video on our experience.

PT - Final Interview - Portuguese Meeting

Vidigueira, Portugal

Final Interview from the meeting in Portugal.

Italian students' video on the Portuguese mobility

Ravenna, Italy

IT - The students made this video on the Portuguese Learning Teaching Training Activity and they used it for disseminating their experience

Italian Presentation for the Portuguese LTTA

IT - Here is the presentation the Italian students made according to the task the Portuguese partner devised.

[BG] Presentations Portugal - Entrepreneurial skills


Hello everyone,


Below you can find the presentations from our visit in Portugal.


Click HERE and HERE




Presentation for the Portuguese mobility

CZ - Students' presentation on ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS for the international meeting in Portugal.

Turkish Presentations for the Portugese mobility

TR - Here are the presentations we made for the next mobility.

PT - Portuguese Presentation for the LTTA in Portugal - Interactive Map

Vidigueira, Portugal

Hello everyone,


Below you can find the presentations from the Portuguese Team. It is an interactive map of Vidigueira which allows visitors to access short videos of a few main monuments around Vidigueira. The videos were prepared by the students of the Tourism Course and their goal was to promote their region, use their professional skills within the tourism field and take advantage of the quick responsive technology to enrich the visitors'experience. The preparation and design of the interactive map allowed the students to improve their professional skills but also to expand their knowledge of the IT field, and therefore improve their entrepreneurial skills.



Czech video on the Turkish mobility

CZ - Here is the video of the week we spent in Turkey.

Presentation on LTTA no.2 in Antalya

TR - Here is the presentation on the Turkish LTTA.

Video on LTTA no.2 in Antalya

IT - Here is the video we made to tell everybody about our wonderful Erasmus+ experience in Antalya:

We believe dissemination is so important!


Presentation for the Turkish mobility

CZ - Students' presentation on CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING for the international meeting in Turkey.

Presentation on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

IT - Turkey gave us a very challenging task to get ready for the 2nd TLT Activity: some workshops on critical thinking and problem solving. They involved quite a lot of work and confronting on ethical values and choices and the students did their best to be up to the task.

At the end of the debates they had to mull over some very important questions and prepare a presentation on them:

1. In what subjects/fields and how are thecritical thinking and problem solving developed in our schools?

2. Besides the old-fashioned lecture class, do you ever have Task Based Learning, research activities, or problems to solve?

Here is the presentation Italian students made.


Turkish presentations for the 2nd LTTA

Antalya, Turkey

TR - Here the two presentations the Turksih school made can be viewed.

PT Portuguese Presentation on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - 2nd LTTA - Antalya - Turkey

Vidigueira, Portugal


Czech Video on the Bulgarian mobility

CZ - Here is the video the Czech students made to show their great experience in Sofia, Bulgaria. The project has officially started!

LTT Activity in Bulgaria - Presentation of the mobility

IT -Here is the PREZI presentation the students made for their dissemination activity at school. It has been shown to all classes of all ages.

Turkish presentation for the Bulgarian mobility

TR - Here is the presentation on Entrepreneurship and Language for the first mobility.

Presentations for the 1st LTTA in Bulgaria

CZ - Here is the presentations the Czech team made for the first mobility.

Presentations for the 1st LTT Activity in Bulgaria

IT - Here is the presentation we made for the Bulgarian mobility,

PT Portuguese Presentation on Entrepreneurship & Language Skills - 1st LTTA - Sofia - Bulgaria

Vidigueira, Portugal

Language Skills

Sofia, Bulgaria

Presentation on Entrepreneuership and Language skills, made by the bulgarian team.

Video on the Transnational Project Meeting by the Italian team

IT - This is our video on our first meeting!

What is Entrepreneurship and Who are Entrepreneurs?

IT - This is the extract of the speech the project coordinator gave at Confindustria during a public conference on entrepreneurship on 24th November 2014. The project partners had met for the Transnational Project Meeting and took part in the conference, as well as the students and citizens of Ravenna.

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